Learner Notes and Online Account Access

Everyone who attends one of our classes will be given indefinite access to course notes and course workfiles through this website.  

Website Registration:

During course registration the tutor will ask for your email address along with your First Name and Last Name.  No other information is collected or retained by Direct Training Ireland.

The tutor will register each participant on the DTI system.  He will then issue you with a password.   You can use or change this password to something more memorable by logging onto the user account.

Direct Training Ireland will never use your personal details for any purpose other than providing you with information on courses.  We will never sell or distribute your details to any third party.

Downloading Files:

All files used in the class will be available to download from the user section of the website.  Notes will be provided in pdf format.  Notes and workfiles may change on a periodic basis.  

To access your workfiles you must login to the secure user section of the website.

  • Click LOGIN in the top right of the website.
  • Enter your email address and your password.
  • Following a successful login, click on MY ACCOUNT in the top right of the website.
  • Your account information is displayed.
  • You can edit your basic information, email or password here.
  • To access the workfiles click on MY TRAINING on the left of the screen.  A list of courses you have attended will be displayed. You can select the required course and download any of the displayed files.


© 2023 Direct Training Ireland.

All trademarks acknowledged. E&OE.

No part of these notes or workfiles may be copied without written permission from Direct Training Ireland unless produced under the terms of a courseware site license agreement with Direct Training Ireland.

All reasonable precautions have been taken in the preparation of these files, including both technical and non-technical proofing. Direct Training Ireland and all staff assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No warranties are made, expressed or implied with regard to these notes or workfiles. Direct Training Ireland shall not be responsible for any direct, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of any material contained in these files. If you find any errors in these training modules, please inform Direct Training Ireland. Whilst every effort is made to eradicate typing or technical mistakes, we apologise for any errors you may detect. All courses are updated on a regular basis, so your feedback is both valued by us and will help us to maintain the highest possible standards.